Moon Village Association Newsletter, December 2019 – February 2020
President’s Words
I am pleased to welcome you to this new edition of the newsletter, which will be issued every 3 months. I hope that this newsletter will foster interest and active participation in the Moon Village Association. All of you can join and contribute to the creation and operation of the Moon Village, the next humanity frontier.
The Association has carried out many activities in the last few months, as you can see below. I would like to draw your attention to some:
- The 3rd International Moon Village Workshop & Symposium was held last December in Japan. It was a huge success, demonstrating the need to have a permanent platform to act as an informal forum for stakeholders interested in the Moon Village. Rerecordings of the event and final report are available.
- MVA, as new Observer member of UN-COPUOS, has participated, for the first time, to the Science and Technical Subcommittee (STSC) with a Technical Presentation about Global Survey on the Moon Exploration and Utilization. More contributions will follow.
- MVA is very sensitive to involve in the Moon Village, as many countries as possible, and to this end has launched the “Moon Village -Participation of Emerging Space Countries (MV-PESC) project.
Giuseppe Reibaldi
President, Moon Village Association
Click here to see the rest of the Moon Village Association December 2019 – February 2020 Newsletter.