Call for sponsors – 7th Global Moon Village Workshop & Symposium

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A Message from the Organising Committee

We are pleased to announce that the 7th Global Moon Village Workshop & Symposium will be held in Japan. It will be held for five days from the 6th to 10th of December 2023 at the Kurashiki City Museum of Art (Kurashiki City, Okayama Prefecture) and the Arid Land Research Centre, Tottori University (Tottori City, Tottori Prefecture). We are looking forward to welcoming you to these scenic locations set in our beautiful Japan and to discussing humanity’s future on the Moon.

The Global Moon Village Workshop & Symposium was first held at the International Space University (ISU) in Strasbourg in 2017 and was held in various countries around the world, until the sixth conference was held in Los Angeles, USA in 2022. Past conferences attracted many participants from government, industry, and academia. Various topics in lunar exploration promoted by the MVA were discussed during these past conferences, including developing an international community on the Moon, lunar architecture, standardization, human activities, economic prospects, market and data requirements, coordination and cooperation, lunar analogues, culture, and outreach.

We sincerely request your support for this year’s Global Moon Village Workshop & Symposium, to be held for the second time in Japan. Therefore, we would like to invite you to become a sponsor of the 7th Global Moon Village Workshop & Symposium. Your support will be necessary for our success and will be greatly appreciated. 

Please use the attached form to express your support. We are looking forward to having you on board. 

Sincerely yours
Dr. Eizo Nakamura
MVA 2023 Workshop & Symposium Preparatory Committee

Sponsorship Benefits

Sponsorship Application

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