Welcome to the Moon Market world!
Moon Market of technologies, goods and services will inevitably be established, and MVA is planning to be a major enabler of the respective process. It is one of the Association’s main goals with regard to its institutional members (IM) and industry at large. Thanks to their membership in the MVA, they will have a right to access MVA exclusive deliberations and to promote their own products using different instruments offered by the Association.
The Moon Market has different dimensions and multiple stakeholders, it will include companies and organizations, both space and non-space, with interest to the Moon that constitute the market’s backbone. The association relies first and foremost on progressive involvement of the IM in the activities of the MVA’s working groups where the Moon Village and the associated Market are going to be defined and shaped.
Hereafter are the present Moon Market pioneers:

The MVA is fully committed to support and to promote its IM. For this, different tools are being exploited. In particular, the products and services that are on offer by the IM are made visible to all the potentially interested companies and individuals via the corresponding part of the site. Here one can also find information about the latest developments in the IM’s everyday activities such as press-releases, articles, reports on the events organized locally etc.
An important element setting the scene for the MVA activities related to the Moon Market is a White Paper “Moon Village Association Road-map for establishing the Moon Market – Public Consultation”: like other Programmatic Materials, it is available in the same-name section and only accessible by the institutional members. The document will be periodically updated considering the latest developments in the field.
One of the MVA top priorities is engagement of non-space actors into the Moon-related activities. The online seminar “Non-space business goes to the Moon” on 29 September 2020 was co-organized by MVA and ESA and attracted 40000+ attendees, one can find a full video-recording in the “Past events” section. A series of follow-up events dedicated to particular types of non-space businesses interested in the Moon Exploration are going to be organized (oil & gas, automobile, energy, architecture, robotics, biomedicine…) – the announcements of those and other interesting meetings will be posted in the “Upcoming events” part of the site.
The MVA working group (WG) on Lunar Commerce and Economics was created in the beginning of 2021. To be aware of its activities, as well of how one can contribute to the WG deliberations, please click here.
You are kindly invited to regularly visit the site and to be actively engaged in the pioneering work on the Moon Market creation and development – for the benefits of each stakeholder and of all the community.
Dr. Oleg Ventskovsky
MVA Moon Market Development Coordinator
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