Moon Village Association Newsletter, January – April 2021
President’s Words
2021 has started with the implementation of several new initiatives, planned in 2020, to boost peaceful cooperation in the Moon exploration and settlement.
The Global Expert Group on Sustainable Lunar Activities (GEGSLA) has started its work with an important participation from all lunar major stakeholders. The aim of GEGSLA is to draft “Recommended Framework and Key Elements for Peaceful and Sustainable Lunar Activities” and provided it to COPUOS in 2023 for further deliberation. The UN Scientific and Technical Subcommittee (STSC) in April 2021 has been informed of GEGSLA and have shown support in its activities.
The Architecture WG held a webinar where the report of the workshop held last December has been presented together with an artistic image, for the first time, of the Moon Village Reference Mission in 2045. For the first time also the concept of Moon Village Technology Readiness Level has been presented. This will allow easier cooperation between stakeholders by establishing a common understanding on the different technology levels available.
The Cultural WG held also a webinar where the concept of Ethics in the Lunar Activities was discussed and proposals were made.
A new website has been unveiled, where you can find easily what you are looking for, and I hope that you will find it more user friendly. Please do send us your feedback to improve it even more in the future.
MVA organized with IAF a GNF event, in March, to present the status of the MVA activities. The same has been made at the STSC in April.
A podcast about MVA have been broadcasted showing a growing interest for our organization.
For the first time we feature in our newsletter Institutional Members news and I do hope that you will find useful.
A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) have been signed with Drake State Community & Technical College in USA. Many new national coordinators have been appointed in the world. The number of people working in the MVA activities is over 500 with more than 50 countries.
The 5th International Moon Village Workshop & Symposium has been confirmed to be held, in hybrid form at the moment, in Nicosia, Cyprus 6-8 December 2021 and I do hope to be able to meet you there!
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Giuseppe Reibaldi
President, Moon Village Association
April, 2021
Click here to see the rest of the Moon Village Association January -April 2021 Newsletter.