Maksym Degtiarev
Maksym Degtiarev
Advisory Council, Member Ad Interim
Maksym Degtiarev is Chief Designer, Head of Design Division, Launch Vehicles and Space Launch Systems at Yuzhnoye State Design Office (Ukraine).
Since 2000 throughout career at Yuzhnoye State Design Office Mr. Degtiarev was involved in key projects on space launch systems development. Being in the position of Lead Designer, the Antares Program Manager he was responsible for planning and organization of all works under the Antares Program at Yuzhnoye SDO: managing technical requirements, budget, schedules, subcontractors network & supplies, program risks, missions plans and other key aspects of the program implementation.
As Chief Designer, Head of Design Division, Launch Vehicles & Space Launch Systems Mr. Degtiarev organizes and performs technical management of Yuzhnoye design works on development of perspective space launch systems of light, medium and heavy classes as well as engineering activities under on-going programs such as Antares Program and Cyclone-4M. Another area of Mr. Degtiarev`s professional interests is advancement of lunar exploration technologies. Technical team under supervision of Mr. Degtiarev is pursuing development of lunar landers, power supply systems, innovation equipment for transportation on the lunar surface and other systems essential for establishment and operation of Lunar Base.
Mr. Degtiarev is Academician of the International Academy of Astronautics, Member of Moon Village Association. Currently, Mr. Degtiarev is preparing to defend thesis on “Selection of Rational Parameters and Reduction in Material Consumption of Launch Vehicle Aft Bays” for Ph.D. in Engineering Sciences with specialization in design, manufacturing and testing of aircraft.
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