About the International Moon Day Group
The United Nations approved the creation of the International Moon Day (IMD) as an annual educational, cultural and scientific event. The International Moon Day is to be observed annually on 20 July to raise awareness among the public and generate support for sustainable Moon Exploration and Utilization. The International Moon Day encourages and promotes events around the globe on 20 July, including community panel discussion, lectures, webinar, concerts exhibits and screening of educational videos.
Being at the origin of the creation of the International Moon Day, the Moon Village Association (MVA) will lead the management of its celebration. It is fully in line with MVA mission and objectives to promote the development of lunar exploration in addressing the largest public, scientific, educational, industrial communities. This effort is considered as a Project of MVA, and an International Moon Day Group (IMD-G) is created. Its missions are :
- Define the categories of events which would be eligible for IMD celebration.
- Establish and coordinate a network of National and Regional Coordinators, which will be the local relays stimulating the creation of IMD events in countries. This network shall strongly rely on the MVA Global Network and the SGAC network.
- Create public relation material to explain the goals of the IMD.
- Create an IMD website to promote the celebration of IMD, record IMD events, and inform the various communities about their holding. An Internet domain name has been bought by MVA : internationalmoonday.com and internationalmoonday.org.
- Find partners and sponsors to support financially the general management of the IMD celebration, as well as specific IMD events.
- Inform regularly UNOOSA about its plans and the progress of IMD celebration as UNOOSA will create their own webpage dedicated to the IMD as for other celebrations.
The IMD-G will be led by a Secretariat, comprising a Chair, and Executive Secretary, a Media Manager, and a Manager for the IMD National and Regional coordinators Network.
The IMD-G will be supported and monitored by an Oversight Committee and a Board of Advisors.
This Vacancy Notice is addressing the position of Chair of the IMD-Group
What are we looking for?
The Chair of the IMD Group is a volunteer position. They will be in charge of the general orientation of the IMD-G activities, of the tasking, and of the liaison with the Oversight Committee and the Board of Advisors.
They shall choose the Executive Secretary, the Media Manager, and the Manager for the IMD National and Regional coordinators Network, with the support of the Oversight Committee.
They will report to the MVA President, and will sit on the MVA Board of Directors
They will represent the IMD Group in respect to external bodies and general public.
The Chair of the IMD Group shall be a member of the Moon Village Association.
Desired experience is :
- Full Professional Proficiency in English
- Project management skills for at least 5 years
- Familiarity with United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Use of Outer Space (COPUOS)
- Pro-active character
- Interest in Outreach
- Team builder spirit
- Readiness to support calls at times different from normal working hours, in view of the global reach of the activities
How to apply?
If you are interested by this position, please upload via the form below your CV and a short introductory letter with your motivation statement to the Moon Village Association. In case you are unable to apply with the form, please email Glafki Antoniou, Management Support Officer : yc.gr1739123563o.oes1739123563c@osa1739123563-avm1739123563, and our team will respond as soon as possible.
Application Deadline: January 10, 2022