UNCOPUOS Legal Subcommittee – CANCELED

--------CANCELED--------- First MVA Participation in the UNCOPUOS Legal as an Observer MVA Presentation will take place on  Wednesday, April 1 and it will be a Statement and a Technical presentation about ‘Moon Village Principles as best practice for sustainable lunar operations”.

Participation of Emerging Space Countries (PESC) webinar

Zoom Call

The Moon Village Association is launching a new international initiative to bring Emerging Space Countries and Non-Space Faring countries side by side with Space faring countries to cooperate for the Moon Village. The initiative is called Participation of Emerging Space Countries (PESC). PESC can be seen as a capacity building program, a consultation program and […]

IAC 2020 – Symposium 4, Session 2

MVA president, Dr. Giuseppe Reibaldi is co-chair of the IPC of Session D4.2 Session Title Contribution of Moon Village to Solving Global Societal Issues Session Description Moon Village is a concept that brings together efforts, world-wide, from the private sector, governments, academics and others to explore and use the Moon in a sustainable manner. Moon […]

GEGSLA Kick-off meeting (Invitation Only)

The GEGSLA kick-off meeting will take place on February 25. The time of the call will be announced by mid-February. For more information on GEGSLA, follow the link. Meeting participation is by invitation only.

GEGSLA 1st meeting

The GEGSLA 1st meeting will take place on March 24   For more information on GEGSLA, follow the link. Meeting participation is by invitation only.

Space Resources Week 2021

MVA President, Dr. Giuseppe Reibaldi will give a presentation at Space Resources Week 2021. The Space Resources Week 2021 connects thought leaders from the terrestrial resources sector, aerospace industry, financial institutions, research institutes and academia. It aims at understanding the technical and economic challenges facing in-situ resource utilization (ISRU) and elaborating recommendations for the future […]

UN-COPUOS STSC – MVA participation

MVA will be making a statement under Item 3 of the STSC Agenda. The MVA statement on GEGSLA is due on Monday 26th April (15:00-17:00 CEST), and MVA technical presentation is due on Tuesday 27th April (10:00-11:00 CEST).The MVA Conference Room Paper has been uploaded on the UNOOSA website, and can be found here:https://www.unoosa.org/res/oosadoc/data/documents/2021/aac_105c_12021crp/aac_105c_12021crp_20_0_html/AC105_C1_2021_CRP20E.pdf

MVA participation in UN-COPUOS

August 27: Side Event organised by MVA - The Global Expert Group on Sustainable Lunar Activities - Status/PerspectivesEvent for COPUOS delegations only. August 30: MVA Technical PresentationFor more info see the UNOOSA website