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MVA General Assembly

The MVA General Assembly will take place on Thursday, June 13 2024, at 17:00-18:00 CEST.MVA Members will receive an invitation via email.

Cultural WG webinar – Alternative Visions of Space Exploration

“The most important lesson we learned from our first forays beyond our thin atmosphere was that we are in this together. We overcame gravity by working collectively toward an aligned goal. That same force must now allow us to overcome political and policy differences that are driven by circumstances such as what we look like, […]

Cultural WG webinar – For a Just and Sustainable Space Exploration

AgendaDr. Aaron Boley is an associate professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of British Columbia. His research explores a wide range of topics, including planetary dynamics, astrophysical discs, meteoritics, space sustainability and security, and space policy.  Before joining the faculty at UBC, Boley was a NASA Sagan Postdoctoral Fellow at […]


MVA is proud to Support Robopalooza!"Palooza" is an informal term used to describe a large, energetic, and vibrant event or celebration. It suggests a festival-like atmosphere with a lot of excitement, activities, and entertainment, often with multiple elements or themes involved. ROBOPALOOZA is a fun, festival-like annual gathering with space robotics as the central theme, combined with a lively atmosphere of live rock & […]

Cultural Considerations WG webinar – Artists on the Moon: Lessons from an All-Artist Analog Lunar Surface Mission

The webinar will tell the experience of the four artists who lived a week in The Space Analog for the Moon & Mars at the University of Arizona: the sense of isolation, the difficulties of cohabitation, the simulation of reduced gravity, and the influence that these extreme conditions had on their artistic production.Speakers:Christopher Cokinos, poet […]