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Literary Luna – Cultural Considerations WG webinar

A presentation of contemporary poetry about the Moon by Christopher Cokinos and Julie Swarstad Johnson, supported by a show of works of art curated by Lisa Pettibone. Agenda Remo Rapetti: Introduction 5' Christopher Cokinos and Julie Swarstad Johnson: Literary Luna 30' Lisa Pettibone: Art and the Moon 10' Arthur Woods: Q&A session Speakers Christopher Cokinos is […]

C&C monthly call

AGENDA: Introduction Status of GEGSLA Registration Project Status UNOOSA Questions COPUOS Meetings status AOB ZOOM LINK:  Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 821 0656 0712 One tap mobile +16699006833,,82106560712# US (San Jose) +19294362866,,82106560712# US (New York) Dial by your location +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) +1 929 436 2866 US (New York) +1 […]

GEGSLA Kick-off meeting (Invitation Only)

The GEGSLA kick-off meeting will take place on February 25. The time of the call will be announced by mid-February. For more information on GEGSLA, follow the link. Meeting participation is by invitation only.

GEGSLA 1st meeting

The GEGSLA 1st meeting will take place on March 24   For more information on GEGSLA, follow the link. Meeting participation is by invitation only.

WSWA Webinar Series: Women in Space | The Promise of the Future of Space

Learn about opportunities and challenges that lie ahead for the future of the space sector, presented by women working in the space sector. Moderator:  Lisa Callahan, Lockheed Martin VP. Registration:

MVA webinar – We choose to go to the Moon: Choosing a Space Age or a Stone Age

An ethical discussion by Dr. James Schwartz and Dr. Marco C. Bernasconi. Organized by the MVA Cultural Considerations Working Group. AGENDA Remo Rapetti: Introduction (5') Dr. James Schwartz: Space Ethics and the Moon: Potential Conflicts of Duty (20') Dr. Marco C. Bernasconi: When Laws Fail: Ethical Advice for Protecting Human Beings, not Ideologies (20') Arthur […]

Space Resources Week 2021

MVA President, Dr. Giuseppe Reibaldi will give a presentation at Space Resources Week 2021. The Space Resources Week 2021 connects thought leaders from the terrestrial resources sector, aerospace industry, financial institutions, research institutes and academia. It aims at understanding the technical and economic challenges facing in-situ resource utilization (ISRU) and elaborating recommendations for the future […]

UN-COPUOS STSC – MVA participation

MVA will be making a statement under Item 3 of the STSC Agenda. The MVA statement on GEGSLA is due on Monday 26th April (15:00-17:00 CEST), and MVA technical presentation is due on Tuesday 27th April (10:00-11:00 CEST).The MVA Conference Room Paper has been uploaded on the UNOOSA website, and can be found here: