MVA Participation in the BBC World Service radio documentary “Living in Space”
MVA President, Dr. Giuseppe Reibaldi will be talking on the BBC World Service radio documentary, Living in Space.
Living in Space airs on BBC WS Radio this coming Saturday, December 10 at 12pm GMT/13pm CET, and then will be re-broadcast a number of times over a few days after the first broadcast time.
It can also be found online using the following link:
Living in Space – https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/w3ct4lyy
About Living in Space
A long-held human ambition may soon become reality – human settlements on another planet, or in a floating space station. People could fulfil their hopes and dreams among the stars.
David Baker has been discovering what those settlements in space will be like, who will be there and how they will be organised. He has been hearing from the people shaping human life out in the universe, about their extraordinary plans and ambitions.
Presenter: David Baker
Producer: Jonathan Brunert