Photos from the 3rd International Moon Village Workshop & Symposium
The 3rd International Moon Village Workshop & Symposium took place in Tokyo and Kyoto in Japan in cooperation with Tokyo University of Science (TUS), Keio University and Kyoto University, from the 5th to 8th of December.
During the first two days in Tokyo University there were numerous talks and plenary sessions by multiple speakers of the industry, as well as breakout sessions for the Association’s Working Groups and Projects.
At the Award Ceremony of the Opening program, the Moon Village Principles – Mission Prize 2019 was awarded to the winners, Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) by NASA, USA, Chang’e-4, by CNSA, China and Chandrayaan-2 by ISRO, India.
The next two days, the Workshop moved to Kyoto University for the second part.
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