UN-COPUOS 67th Session Side Event – Sustainable Lunar Environments: Challenges and Opportunities

The UN-COPUOS 67th Session Side Event, “Sustainable Lunar Environments: Challenges and Opportunities” took place on June 20 and was hosted by the Moon Village Association (MVA), the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR), the International Astronomical Union (IAU) and For All…
A Summary of Human History on the Moon – For All Moonkind
Download the first book of For All Moonkind, A summary of Human History on the Moon.
Two Moons Are Better than One. The Moon Village Association and For All Moonkind Announce Partnership

The Moon Village Association and For All Moonkind have announced a new agreement to enhance and expand cooperative efforts to explore and utilize outer space and establish a human community on the Moon.
For All Moonkind

First outreach book on the Moon released in cooperation with For All Moonkind.