Moon Village Association, Newsletter, December 2018

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President’s Words

The Moon Village Association has become one year old! It was registered in Vienna in November 2017. While some major improvements and progress have occurred as you can see from the news hereafter, much remains to be accomplished.

The members are joining the Association steadily; we are more than 200 individuals and 20 institutional from 33 countries.

We hold a very successful Workshop and Symposium in Los Angeles on 4 and 5 November with many senior space officials participating. We are supporting the creation of the Moon Market with many actions including prize competitions and establishing an industrial network to foster the cooperation between space and non-space companies starting with our institutional members. Furthermore, MVA will issue by end of this year the “Moon Village Principles” defining, for the first time, the boundary of Moon Village missions and activities. MVA will assess annually the missions and activities of various organizations with respect to the Principles and state whether or not those missions/activities are in line (or not) with them.

Finally, following a competition, the 2019 International Moon Village Workshop and Symposium hosting country has been chosen: Japan and will be held in December.

2019 marks 50 years from the first Moon landing and this will give an opportunity to MVA to participate in many initiatives around the world and discuss the implementation of the Moon Village. MVA shall prove his added value as a unique platform thanks to the energy and dedication of all the members by delivering concrete results in all the activities we are engaging.

I invite of you to be active and participate in this unique opportunity that we have to be part of the Moon Village implementation.

Happy 2019 and Ad Luna!
Giuseppe Reibaldi, Moon Village Association President

Click here to see the rest of the Moon Village Association December 2018 Newsletter.