Call for proposals for The 2nd International Moon Village Workshop & Symposium
We would like to invite you to make a presentation during the meeting. The meeting will focus on MVA working group topics, but is not limited to those.
Call for proposals
We would like to invite you to make a presentation during the meeting. The meeting will focus on MVA working group topics, but is not limited to those; see https://moonvillageassociation.org/about/working-groups/ for more information on these topics. The event comprises Plenary Sessions, Working Sessions and Panel Discussions, including one involving current Institutional Members of the Association.
In order to make a presentation, you must be registered as an attendee at the The 2nd International Moon Village Workshop & Symposium.
If you would like to make a presentation, please provide the information requested in the presentation proposal form, here after attached, to gro.n1741263531oitai1741263531cossa1741263531egall1741263531ivnoo1741263531m@sni1741263531knam.1741263531c.nho1741263531j1741263531.
Click here to download the presentation proposal form.
Please respond as soon as possible, not later than October 08, 2018.
Decisions / notifications on selected presentations will be made as soon as possible, but not later than October 15, 2018.
Time permitting, proposers will be afforded the opportunity to speak; however, please recognize that available space and time are limited.