MVA participation in UN-COPUOS

August 27: Side Event organised by MVA - The Global Expert Group on Sustainable Lunar Activities - Status/PerspectivesEvent for COPUOS delegations only. August 30: MVA Technical PresentationFor more info see […]

MVA Participation on RUDN University Space Week

MVA President, Dr. Giuseppe Reibaldi, will be participating in the RUDN University Space Week with the presentation "Moon Village Association contribution to sustainable lunar activities", on October 5.RUDN University Space […]

IAC2022- Moon Village Association Open Floor Meeting

LocationRoom 721/722The Moon Village Association (MVA) invites everyone to the in-person MVA Open Floor Meeting during the International Astronautical Congress (IAC) in Paris on 20th September.Get to know the latest […]

MVA participation at the IAC in Baku – Session D4.2

Contribution of Moon Village to Solving Global Societal IssuesDescriptionMoon Village is a concept that brings together efforts, world-wide, from the private sector, governments, academics and others to explore and use […]