Watch the recordings from The 2nd International Moon Village Workshop & Symposium
The 2nd International Moon Village Workshop & Symposium took place on November 04-05, 2018 in Southern California.
The workshop, organized by the Moon Village Association (MVA), in cooperation with the University of Southern California (USC) and the National Space Society (NSS) took place at/near the USC campus on Sunday, November 04, 2018 and Monday, November 05, 2018, immediately following the NSS Space Settlement Summit (November 02-03, 2018), and concurrently with a planned space business event at USC. During the Moon Village Workshop & Symposium, the MVA – working with diverse leaders from around the globe – laid out the results of its first year of work – and made plans for how best to advance the goals of humanity vis-à-vis the exploration, development and settlement of the Moon and cis-Lunar space.
The 2-day program comprised of both plenary sessions featuring leading lunar industrialists, technologists, scientists & visionaries, as well as breakout sessions, organized according to the ten (10) MVA working groups at which real progress will be made in developing strategies and plans for humanity’s lunar future.
Click here to download the final program.