The Moon as Muse: Visions for Lunar Artistic Engagement
The Moon has been a fountainhead of humanity’s time awareness beyond days and within seasons. Ancient artwork around the world testifies to the deep origins of our cultural relationship to our satellite world. The sheer volume of literature, music and…
Watch the recording of the Cultural Considerations webinar – Spirituality in the Moon
Cultural WG webinar: Spirituality and the Moon
The spiritual needs of space enthusiasts and future Moon workers and settlers need to be addressed as the settlement of the Moon advances. This webinar will explore possible whys and hows. Agenda: Introduction – Remo Rapetti Futurist Moonlight Meditations –…
Watch the Cultural Considerations WG webinar – Space for Art
Cultural Considerations WG webinar: Space for Art
The urgent push into space development within the private sector has stimulated debate about public access to space for non-astronauts and for cultural initiatives. The Moon Gallery Foundation has put art at the centre of establishing a significant place for…
Watch the Architecture WG Webinar – An Update on Moon Village Architecture Studies: An OASIS at the South Pole, October 4 2021
Watch the MVA – LSA webinar: Space Resources – Through the lens of Scientific and Commercial key players
Watch the 1st GEGSLA public Webinar: Towards Sustainable Lunar Activities
MVA & WSWA webinar – Woman on the Moon: Bridging the Gender Gap
As we move closer to the realization of the Moon Village and supporting a Moon Village Generation, our vision encompasses the idea of bridging the gender gap. Together with the @World Space Week Association, we are organizing a webinar as…