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MVA – LSA webinar: Space Resources – through the lens of Scientific and Commercial key players (Non-space actors go to the Moon series)

GoalThe goal is to address the capabilities and opportunities Space Resources-related industries have to offer, meeting companies with wide range of vision; to identify what to expect and what more to know; to learn how can research nurture the economic perspective.Tentative topics to focus on:Cheering of non-space industries’ involvement in the Moon-related activities, identification of […]

GEGSLA Public webinar – Towards Sustainable Lunar Activities

The first GEGSLA Public Webinar – Towards Sustainable Lunar Activities, will take place September 30 at 15:00 CEST to inform the public about the recent developments of the group. It will illustrate planned lunar missions for 2022, address scientific considerations, and discuss urgent sustainable lunar exploration and utilization issues. This event will be a unique […]

MVA Architecture WG webinar – An Update on Moon Village Architecture Studies: An OASIS at the South Pole

Description:During 2020-2021, the MVA Architecture Working Group has been conducing a ‘case study’ of a potential ‘first human lunar outpost’ to be operational at the Moon’s south polar region by 2045. Significant progress has been made in these studies and will be reported at the upcoming International Astronautical Congress (IAC 2021) in Dubai. This webinar […]

MVA & WSWA webinar – Woman on the Moon: Bridging the Gender Gap

As we move closer to the realization of the Moon Village and supporting a Moon Village Generation, our vision encompasses the idea of bridging the gender gap. Together with the @World Space Week Association, we are organizing a webinar as part of their Women in Space series and our consistent efforts to promote diversity and equality […]

MVA Mexico webinar – Los desafíos de habitar la Luna

En este panel, se discutirán diferentes problemas y propuestas frente a los desafíos que trae consigo el habitar la luna. Al panel están invitados start ups y empresas Mexicanas, Mayan Space y Dereum Labs. Quienes actualmente se encuentran trabajando en proyectos relacionados con la Luna.ENG. On this panel, we will discuss different problems and solutions […]

MVA Pakistan Webinar – Lunar Imaging & Data Processing

When: Jun 25, 2022 08:00 PM Islamabad, Karachi, TashkentRegister in advance for this meeting: registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.Agenda: In this webinar our speaker is going to talk about his lunar imaging experience and share his techniques of lunar imaging and data processing.Image processing is a method to perform […]

PromoMoon Initative – Closing Session

At the end of 2021, the Moon Village Association in cooperation with the leading Ukrainian space engineering company Yuzhnoye State Design Office organized the 1st PromoMoon Initiative for Moon Village Generation in honor of Dr. Alexander Degtyarev.15 teams from 10 countries from around the world covering 3 different continents have participated in the competition – […]

MVA Jordan – JSRI Space Architecture Series: Designing Lunar Habitats

JSRI is kicking off a Space Architecture webinar series as part of our ongoing competition! The series will feature distinguished space architects who will present their work and design considerations, giving competition participants a chance to learn from experts in the field and get guidance on their designs for JSRI’s space analog facility.We are proud […]

MVA Pakistan – Opportunity to focus on upcoming lunar missions as a writer

Title of Event : Opportunity to focus on upcoming lunar missions as a writerSpeaker Name : Brett HoffstadtDate & Time:  Aug 18, 2022 02:00 PM Greenwich Mean TimeRegistration Link : Speaker : Brett Hoffstadt is a multi-disciplinary engineer, project manager, and author with 4 aviation patents and over 20 years of experience in the aerospace industry. Since 2014, he […]