The MVA Analogue WG is looking for a Co-Chair

About the Moon Village Analogue Working Group There will be no lunar exploration and settlement without the use of Analogue on Earth. Lunar Analogues are playing an important role to conduct research, engineering testing of prototypes as well as outreach…

Vacancy Notice – MVA Implementation Support Officer

The Moon Village Association (MVA), in cooperation with the Cyprus Space Exploration Organisation (CSEO), is opening a call for applications for the position of “Moon Village Association – Implementation Support Officer” (MVA-ISO). As the MVA-ISO, you will contribute your passion,…

MVA is Looking for National Coordinators – July 2021

Application deadline: 25 July 2021 MVA is looking for active leaders around the world to become the MVA National Coordinators. This is a two year, volunteer position that offers a chance to lead and be responsible for the voice of…

Vacancy Notice – GEGSLA Implementation Support Officer

GEGSLA The near future will see a multitude of lunar missions through the efforts of both space agencies and commercial stakeholders. The current lack of coordination mechanisms for lunar activities presents a serious challenge to future missions and could lead…